For any question about this document, please contact the M1 MoSIG academic supervisors (write to both):
- Thomas Ropars
- Gregory Mounie
Preamble: Common instructions for all students
⚠️ Warning: The administrative supervisors of the M1 Mosig program (Stéphanie Leyssieux and Élise Ros) are not involved in the administrative procedures for the M1 Mosig research project.
- Please do not contact them about this matter.
- See below for the appropriate contact information.
Once you have been accepted by an advisor for a research project:
Contact (via email) the M1 MoSIG academic supervisors (include both in the same email): provide them with a short description (written by your advisor) of your project proposal (topic + work context) so that they can check that it is indeed appropriate (with respect to the expected scope of M1 projects).
Once one of the supervisors has replied to you to validate your proposal, proceed with the instructions below, depending on the institution (Ensimag or UFR IM2AG) in which you are registered.
Instructions for students registered at GrenobleINP/Ensimag
Administrative contacts at Ensimag
Walid Bouhrizi
- Office D102, Ensimag (“D” building, first floor, corridor close to stairs)
- Mail:
- Phone: +33 4 76 82 72 28
Guidelines at Ensimag
The procedure is fully detailled in this document
Instructions for students registered at UFR IM2AG
Administrative contacts at UFR IM2AG
Sophie Urbanc
- Office F19A, UFR IM2AG (“F” building, ground floor, close to amphitheater F018)
- Mail:
- Phone: +33 4 57 422 483
Web page with details:
Guidelines at UFR IM2AG
- Retrieve the “internship information form” (available in French and English, can be downloaded from the web page mentioned above - a single language/version is sufficient)
- Fill in this form (with the help of your project advisor)
- Send the form to the internship office (Sophie Urbanc and Carole Durand) by email (
Once you have provided the form:
A formal document must be signed between the involved parties (you, the host institution, UFR IM2AG). The precise type of document depends on some aspects of your internship (host institution, duration of the internship - e.g., in the case of an extension during the summer). This document can either be:
- “Protocole d’accueil”: The template document (in English or French) can be dowloaded from the above web page.
- “Convention de stage”: In that case, the internship office will tell you how to create the template document, using the “PStage” web application.
In any case, the internship office will tell you:
which type of document is appropriate for your situation
the list/order of signatures to obtain for your document (as well as the required number of signed copies)
⚠️ Warning: When filling in and signing the forms, be mindful of the frequent confusion between the following roles:
"The internship supervisor for the host organization" (in French: “Le tuteur de stage de l’organisme d’accueil”) → The researcher who is your advisor (and who offered the internship position)
"The intern’s academic advisor" (in French: “L’enseignant référent du stagiaire”) → The M1 Mosig supervisor (Thomas Ropars, for students registered at UFR IM2AG)