M1 Mosig organisation
Presenting of the rules for validating the year and for 2nd session exams [pdf] (February 5, 2025)
A document summarizing the M2 programs accessible after M1 Mosig and the requirements/recommendations in terms of courses during the M1 [pdf]
Slides from the administrative orientation meeting (August 28, 2024)
Slides from the pedagogical welcome meeting (August 28, 2024)
IT resources at UFR IM2AG
IT resources
IT help desk for students - Do not hesitate to contact them if you have problems with your IT account
IT IM2AG pedagogical wiki (access via UGA VPN required)
List of digital services available at UGA:
Guidelines to install Microsoft Office 365 tools/applications on your machine
Health centers
If you are looking for information & contacts to make a medical appointment, please check the following pages on the UGA web site:
General information about health-related procedures and contacts
Medical care for people in situation of precariousness without health insurance
Misc. links
ISSO website (International Students and Scholars Office) - Grenoble
Grenoble Campus web site: lots of useful information and pointers on many topics (not just about the campus), including: budget, accommodation, transports, food, health and well-being, community life, sports, culture, disabilities, help against violence/harrasment/discriminations, …
Grenoble campus libraries (in particular, check the Joseph Fourier scientific library)
IntEGre is an association aimed at welcoming and facilitating the integration of international students in Grenoble.