!!! Information about the general organization of MoSIG and the application procedure are available on the official web site of the Master !!!
- This web site is for already enrolled students and gathers administrative information about the organization of the year.
⚠️ The orientation meetings for the beginning of the 2024-2025 will take place as follows:
- Administrative meeting: Wednesday, August 28 at 10:00 (Amphitheater F018)
- Pedagogical meeting: Wednesday, August 28 at 13:30 (Room F316)
Location (for both meetings): Building “F” of UFR IM2AG on the University Campus of Saint Martin d’Hères. (Link to campus map)
(The most recent news appear on top)
February 26, 2025: Instructions for the intermediate report of the research project
February 5, 2025: Presentation of the rules for validating the year and for 2nd-session exams
October 10, 2024: Information about the research projects are available on a dedicated page
September 4, 2024: Link to the slides presented during the second pedagogical meeting
September 2, 2024: Link to the material presented during the training week
August 28, 2024: Welcome meeting
August 27, 2024: The web site is up. Please make sure to check it regularly for updates (check daily during the fist month of the semester).